
1 Basic Functionality

  • Import obj model files as rigid bodies

  • Effect: Import obj model files and duplicate 100 rigid bodies, while simulating the free fall of rigid bodies

2 Implementation Process

2.1 Initialize the Environment

import random
import os
from pyrfuniverse.envs.base_env import RFUniverseBaseEnv

env = RFUniverseBaseEnv()
  • env.step() allows the environment to run for a time $\delta t$, where $\delta t$ represents the concept of a “time slice”.

2.2 Load the Rigid Body and Set Actions

mesh = env.LoadMesh(id=639787, path=os.path.abspath('../Mesh/002_master_chef_can/google_16k/textured.obj'))
mesh.SetTransform(position=[0, 1, 0], rotation=[random.random() * 360, random.random() * 360, random.random() * 360])
  • id=639787: Each object in the scene needs a unique id

  • LoadMesh loads the rigid body corresponding to the .obj file

  • SetTransform sets actions, in this test file, it is the free fall from position $[0,1,0]$

2.3 Repeat the Simulation of Rigid Body Falling

for i in range(100):
    new_mesh = mesh.Copy(new_id=mesh.id + i + 1)
    new_mesh.SetTransform(position=[0, 1, 0], rotation=[random.random() * 360, random.random() * 360, random.random() * 360])

while 1:
  • Wait for 20 time slices env.step(20) to complete the motion of the object and stabilize it

  • Duplicate the rigid body and repeat the action